

PENIEL FAITH MISSIONS is an inter-denominational Christian Ministry registered in Singapore on July, 2011. This exists to reach out and impact the lives of the least reached people groups with the Love and Teachings of Jesus Christ who otherwise would not have viable access to hearing the Good News.

The founder, Ps Paulson was employed in Singapore as an IT programmer when he received God’s call to commit himself in the proclamation of Gospel. He established and started this divine journey on the month of November on 2010. Upon God’s confirmation, Bro Paulson resigned his lucrative job from a Multinational Company on July 2011 and joined as a full-time worker in the God’s vineyard.

The ministry’s primary focus is proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel in South East Asian countries. Peniel Faith Ministries also conducts evangelistic crusades demonstrating the power of evangelism.

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